Tuesday, 13 August 2019

...and this is where I turned back

Weather and various commitments have kept me away from the bike for a couple of weeks. I had some ideas for an adventurous return, but it seemed more important to get back into a routine. So I ended up picking a familiar route. What made the outing special was the mix of people I met.

I suspect the break in the rain contributed to a good number of cheerful cyclists, joggers, and walkers. In addition a group of young lads wanted me to stop so that they could show off their cycling tricks; a couple of police teased me for chickening out of riding through the flood; and a mother leaped to rescue her child's buggy, as it trundled towards the harbour edge (she had forgotten to put the brake on).

Bottling the flood meant that I turned back slightly earlier than I had intended, so at the other end I overshot a bit, to make up the planned 14 miles.

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